sweet ellie & sweet olive

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My Little Sis...

Here SHE is, world! My future protege:) I think God heard my prayers. I will soon have someone to show the ropes to...of how to be one cute, talented, and amazing little girl! There are many lessons I am preparing for my little sis.... #1. How to apply lip gloss. #2. How to walk in Mom's high heels. #3. How to choose the appropriate tiara for everyday fashion. #4. How to include ballet in your daily workout. And of course, #5. How to be better at the boys in sports, intellectual debates, and pretty much everything!

Even though they are kinda shocked, I think my parents are already in love! Dad said something about now having to pay for two weddings, and mom said something about needing to stock up on lip gloss, but overall, I know they are excited. I can't wait for August!!


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